===== Convert a dictionary of dataframes to a big dataframe =====
==== Task ====
Given a dictionary of strings to dataframes, create an expanded dataframe by putting the keys into their own column. For example, given
{'COST': fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 202102 20210304
1 202105 20210527
2 202108 20210923
3 202111 20211209,
'CPRT': fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 202104 20210519
1 202107 20210908
2 202110 20211117
3 202201 20220216}
We want
ticker fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 COST 202102 20210304
1 COST 202105 20210527
2 COST 202108 20210923
3 COST 202111 20211209
4 CPRT 202104 20210519
5 CPRT 202107 20210908
6 CPRT 202110 20211117
7 CPRT 202201 20220216
==== Solution ====
def dict_df_to_df(dict_df, key_col_name):
df = (
pd.concat(dict_df, axis=0)\
.drop('level_1', axis=1)\
.rename({'level_0':key_col_name}, axis=1)
return df
Using the example above
$ ipython
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
costco_earnings = pd.DataFrame({
'fiscal_quarter_end': [202102, 202105, 202108, 202111],
'reported_date': [20210304, 20210527, 20210923, 20211209]
fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 202102 20210304
1 202105 20210527
2 202108 20210923
3 202111 20211209
In [2]:
copart_earnings = pd.DataFrame({
'fiscal_quarter_end': [202104, 202107, 202110, 202201],
'reported_date': [20210519, 20210908, 20211117, 20220216]
fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 202104 20210519
1 202107 20210908
2 202110 20211117
3 202201 20220216
In [3]:
dict_df = {'COST': costco_earnings, 'CPRT': copart_earnings}
{'COST': fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 202102 20210304
1 202105 20210527
2 202108 20210923
3 202111 20211209,
'CPRT': fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 202104 20210519
1 202107 20210908
2 202110 20211117
3 202201 20220216}
In [4]:
def dict_df_to_df(dict_df, key_col_name):
df = (
pd.concat(dict_df, axis=0)\
.drop('level_1', axis=1)\
.rename({'level_0':key_col_name}, axis=1)
return df
In [5]:
expanded_df = dict_df_to_df(dict_df, 'ticker')
ticker fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 COST 202102 20210304
1 COST 202105 20210527
2 COST 202108 20210923
3 COST 202111 20211209
4 CPRT 202104 20210519
5 CPRT 202107 20210908
6 CPRT 202110 20211117
7 CPRT 202201 20220216
To see how it works
In [6]:
pd.concat(dict_df, axis=0)
fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
COST 0 202102 20210304
1 202105 20210527
2 202108 20210923
3 202111 20211209
CPRT 0 202104 20210519
1 202107 20210908
2 202110 20211117
3 202201 20220216
In [7]:
pd.concat(dict_df, axis=0)\
level_0 level_1 fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 COST 0 202102 20210304
1 COST 1 202105 20210527
2 COST 2 202108 20210923
3 COST 3 202111 20211209
4 CPRT 0 202104 20210519
5 CPRT 1 202107 20210908
6 CPRT 2 202110 20211117
7 CPRT 3 202201 20220216
In [8]:
pd.concat(dict_df, axis=0)\
.drop('level_1', axis=1)
level_0 fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 COST 202102 20210304
1 COST 202105 20210527
2 COST 202108 20210923
3 COST 202111 20211209
4 CPRT 202104 20210519
5 CPRT 202107 20210908
6 CPRT 202110 20211117
7 CPRT 202201 20220216
In [9]:
pd.concat(dict_df, axis=0)\
.drop('level_1', axis=1)\
.rename({'level_0':'ticker'}, axis=1)
ticker fiscal_quarter_end reported_date
0 COST 202102 20210304
1 COST 202105 20210527
2 COST 202108 20210923
3 COST 202111 20211209
4 CPRT 202104 20210519
5 CPRT 202107 20210908
6 CPRT 202110 20211117
7 CPRT 202201 20220216
==== Ref ====
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56638413/how-to-create-a-pandas-dataframe-from-dictionary-of-dataframes - where I first came across this solution. I just put the solution in a function, used a better example and showed some intermediate steps on how the solution works.