==== extract last field from each row of a column ====
tags | pandas series str split apply if condition, string split
Given the input
'Location': {
0: 'San Francisco, CA, United States',
1: 'Shanghai, China',
2: 'Singapore'}
get something like
'Country': {
0: 'United States',
1: 'China',
2: 'Singapore'}
In [1]: d = {'Location': {
...: 0: 'San Francisco, CA, United States',
...: 1: 'Shanghai, China',
...: 2: 'Singapore'}}
In [2]: import pandas as pd
...: df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)
...: df
0 San Francisco, CA, United States
1 Shanghai, China
2 Singapore
In [3]: df['Country'] = df['Location'].str.split(',').apply(lambda x: x[-1])
...: df
Location Country
0 San Francisco, CA, United States United States
1 Shanghai, China China
2 Singapore Singapore
In [4]: df['Country'].to_dict()
Out[4]: {0: ' United States', 1: ' China', 2: 'Singapore'}