===== favorite configuration =====
==== show private contributions on the github profile ====
* Profile icon at the top right -> Settings -> Contributions & Activity -> "Include private contributions on my profile" -> check -> "Update preferences"
==== hide achievements on the github profile ====
* Profile icon at the top right -> Settings -> Profile Settings -> "Show Achievements on my profile" -> uncheck -> "Update preferences"
===== dummy =====
==== links I came across ====
* [[https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/signing-up-for-github/verifying-your-email-address | Verifying your email address]] (docs.github.com)
* [[https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token | Creating a personal access token]] (docs.github.com)
* [[https://github.blog/2020-12-15-token-authentication-requirements-for-git-operations/ | Token authentication requirements for Git operations]] (github.blog)
* Beginning August 13, 2021, we will no longer accept account passwords when authenticating Git operations on GitHub.com.
* [[https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/syncing-a-fork | Syncing a fork]] (docs.github.com)
==== useful links ====
* https://www.githubstatus.com/
==== code search ====
* https://grep.app/
* sample query: https://grep.app/search?q=binary%20gap%20&filter[lang][0]=Python
===== searching code =====
==== search files with extension ====
foo path:*.extension
foo path:*.ipynb
will search for ''foo'' in .ipynb files
Ref:- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59909592/how-can-i-search-all-files-ending-with-the-file-extension-feature-on-github
==== search in a particular file ====
for example
python unittest filename:.travis.yml
==== exclude a repository from search results ====
to the search string.
* https://docs.github.com/en/search-github/getting-started-with-searching-on-github/understanding-the-search-syntax#exclude-certain-results - documents the '-' operator.
==== exclude forks from search results ====
tags | do not search in forks
To exclude forks from your results:
NOT is:fork
To search only fork repositories:
header_to_metadata_and_cell NOT is:fork
will search for header_to_metadata_and_cell in non-fork repositories.
On 2026-01-26, ''header_to_metadata_and_cell NOT is:fork'' gave 33 results vs 204 results for ''header_to_metadata_and_cell''
* https://docs.github.com/en/search-github/github-code-search/understanding-github-code-search-syntax#is-qualifier - documentation
* https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/13126
===== search issues =====
==== search issues filed by a user ====
For your own issues
For other users, there are two possible approaches.
Solution 1:
For example
Solution 2:
is:issue is:open author:$author
for example
is:issue is:open author:kamarajukusumanchi