==== 1 ==== Q. Given two one dimensional arrays, how to combine them into a 2d numpy array? A. use np.column_stack((c1, c2)) % ipython Python 3.8.5 (default, Sep 4 2020, 07:30:14) Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython 7.18.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help. In [1]: import numpy as np c1 = np.array([0.39656302, 0.14878788, 0.14948021, 0.26837201, 0.40427337]) c2 = np.array([0.68676044, 0.41183541, 0.72868058, 0.24776482, 0.52792127]) m = np.column_stack((c1, c2)) m Out[1]: array([[0.39656302, 0.68676044], [0.14878788, 0.41183541], [0.14948021, 0.72868058], [0.26837201, 0.24776482], [0.40427337, 0.52792127]]) In [2]: m.shape Out[2]: (5, 2) In [3]: m.ndim Out[3]: 2 You can also get the same result by doing np.vstack((c1, c2)).T . But I like the column_stack() approach as it gives the correct shape right away and does not require a transpose. In [4]: m2 = np.vstack((c1, c2)).T m2 Out[4]: array([[0.39656302, 0.68676044], [0.14878788, 0.41183541], [0.14948021, 0.72868058], [0.26837201, 0.24776482], [0.40427337, 0.52792127]]) In [5]: np.array_equal(m, m2) Out[5]: True Ref:- * https://openlibrary.org/books/OL26834151M/Python_for_Data_Analysis_Data_Wrangling_with_Pandas_NumPy_and_IPython -> Appendix A "Advanced Numpy" -> "A.2 Advanced Array Manipulation" -> "Concatenating and Splitting Arrays" -> "Table A-1. Array concatenation functions" - contains a list of similar functions and their description. * https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.array_equal.html - np.array_equal() can be used to check if two arrays are equal * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17710672/create-2-dimensional-array-with-2-one-dimensional-array tags | combine two numpy arrays into 2d array