==== monthly market commentary ==== * for the previous month * https://get.ycharts.com/resources/blog/monthly-market-wrap/ - latest month * for months before the previous month * https://get.ycharts.com/resources/blog/monthly-market-wrap-march-2024/ * https://get.ycharts.com/resources/blog/monthly-market-wrap-april-2024/ * https://get.ycharts.com/resources/blog/monthly-market-wrap-may-2024/ ==== calendars ==== * https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/calendar * +1 - Their calendar covers speeches from important people like President Biden etc., * On Wed 2023-05-17, the market went up from 4123 (prev day close) to 4169 (today's close). The jump is attributed to "President Biden Speech on Debt Ceiling". This calendar showed that event. * https://www.barrons.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-051723/card/stocks-climb-after-biden-speaks-on-debt-ceiling-0AVkvEjgloggFe93B8ns - Stocks Climb After Biden Speaks on Debt Ceiling ==== mortgage rates ==== * [[https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/30-year-mortgage-rate | United States 30-Year Mortgage Rate]] (tradingeconomics.com) ==== How much money is sitting in money market funds? ==== tags | aum history of money market funds * https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MMMFFAQ027S shows the level of total financial assets in in money market funds over time. * For example, asof Q3 2023, \$6.1 trillion is in money market funds. * Data is updated quarterly. ==== github projects I came across ==== * https://github.com/maread99/market_prices - market_prices * Is this better than yfinance? * How is it different from yfinance? * https://github.com/gerrymanoim/exchange_calendars - exchange_calendars * {asof | 2024-07-14} Fork of https://github.com/quantopian/trading_calendars, which is no longer maintained. * referenced in https://github.com/maread99/market_prices * https://github.com/rsheftel/pandas_market_calendars - trading_calendars * Was mentioned in https://github.com/quantopian/trading_calendars ==== consumer spending ==== * "Consumer spending" is same as "personal consumption expenditures (PCE)" * I found three data sources for this: * https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PCEC96 - Real Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCEC96) * real = inflation-adjusted * published monthly * https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PCE - Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) * published monthly * https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/consumer-spending * published every quarter * Is there a way to recon this with BLS or FRED data? * data is not matching with either https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PCEC96 or https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PCE * Is consumer spending same as consumer discretionary spending? What is the difference? * https://maps.semcog.org/EconomicDashboard/chart/bc_per_cons.html * Tells that https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/PCEC96 is what we should look at. * Consumer spending is broken into three categories * durable goods * have an average useful life of at least 3 years (e.g. motor vehicles) * nondurable goods * have an average useful life of less than 3 years (e.g. food) * services * commodities that cannot be stored or inventoried and are consumed at the time of purchase (e.g., dining out) See also: * https://maps.semcog.org/EconomicDashboard/ -> chart on the bottom left ==== stock research ==== * https://www.nasdaq.com/publishers/zacks * See for example: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/heres-why-you-should-retain-western-union-stock-now ==== earnings call transcripts ==== * costco Q4 2024 Earnings Call transcript * The earnings call was on 9/26/2024. * The transcript was available at https://www.fool.com/earnings/call-transcripts/2024/09/26/costco-wholesale-cost-q4-2024-earnings-call-transc/ asof 9/27 . This webpage does not require a login. * Other websites I came across but require a login. I did not test them. * https://capedge.com/transcript/by/companyId/909832 - contains links to historical earnings call transcirpts * https://www.gurufocus.com/stock/COST/transcripts/2536195