===== dummy =====
==== Fixed width fonts in outlook ====
Use consolas or courier
==== take a screenshot ====
Approach 1:
You can use win+shift+s to take a screenshot and then paste it using ctrl+v .
Approach 2:
Start Menu -> Snipping Tool
==== search button in taskbar not working ====
Symptom: The search button in the task bar does not respond to the keyboard.
Fix: Reboot the search process
ctrl+alt+del -> Task Manager -> Processes -> Search -> Search -> End Task
Ref:- https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/317gce/windows_10_search_bar_not_working/
==== wifi password ====
Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center
-> View your active networks -> click the link after "Connections:"
-> which will be something like Wi-Fi (SSID)
-> Wireless Properties -> Security -> Network security key
-> Show characters -> enter the admin password
==== Check windows version ====
==== Set environment variables ====
Using the run prompt (windows key + r)
rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
Using the cmd prompt
C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
==== unset environment variable ====
To temporarily unset an environment variable
This will remove the variable from the current environment (not permanently).
Ref:- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13222724/command-line-to-remove-an-environment-variable-from-the-os-level-configuration
==== dump environment variables ====
user environment variables
reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment > user_env_vars.txt
system environment variables
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" > system_env_vars.txt
tested on | windows 7
script - [[https://github.com/KamarajuKusumanchi/rutils/blob/master/bin/windows/dump_env_vars.bat | dump_env_vars.bat]] (github.com/KamarajuKusumanchi)
Ref - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/573817/where-are-environment-variables-stored-in-registry
==== open explorer from git bash ====
To open the current directory in explorer from git bash
explorer .
==== refresh environment variables ====
tags | git bash reread environment variables
If you update an environment variable and want to use the new value in an existing git bash session,
download the refreshenv.sh script from https://github.com/badrelmers/RefrEnv and call it from bash with ''source /path/to/refrenv.sh''
Tested it on:
* git bash is running inside conemu 191012 $ git --version
git version 2.34.1.windows.1
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release (x86_64-pc-msys)
* OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
==== list of installed packages ====
''Control Panel -> Programs and Features'' shows the list of installed packages.
Tested on | Windows 10 Enterprise
==== create a file starting with dot in explorer ====
To create a file with a dot at the beginning in explorer, add another dot at the end. Like .condarc. . Explorer will allow it and remove the trailing dot.
Ref: https://superuser.com/questions/64471/create-rename-a-file-folder-that-begins-with-a-dot-in-windows
==== last reboot time ====
tags | when was a windows machine rebooted, check when a windows machine was rebooted.
In git bash
systeminfo | grep -i "boot time"
In the Windows run box
cmd /k systeminfo | find /i "boot time"
In windows shell
systeminfo | find /i "boot time"
systeminfo | find "System Boot Time"
Works in Windows 7, Windows 2012.
* https://serverfault.com/questions/159612/windows-server-last-reboot-time
* https://superuser.com/questions/523726/how-can-i-find-out-when-windows-was-last-restarted
* https://www.howtogeek.com/tips/how-to-tell-when-your-windows-pc-was-restarted-last/
==== Linux to Windows ====
tags | equivalent of foo in windows
^ Linux ^ Windows ^ notes ^
| cat | type | https://superuser.com/questions/434870/what-is-the-windows-equivalent-of-the-unix-command-cat |
| rm | del | |
| rm -rf "path" | rd /s /q "path" | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/97875/rm-rf-equivalent-for-windows |
==== software I am currently evaluating ====
* https://explorerplusplus.com/
* Advantages:
* tabbed explorer windows
* Notes:
* started using it from 2020-11
* Using 64-bit version of 1.3.5
==== clear recent files list ====
==== formatted date and time ====
Get the date and time information in YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format
>echo %date:~6,4%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
Sample output
==== extract a page from PDF ====
Option 1: Use pdftk
Option 2: Use chrome and print those specific page(s) to pdf. Chrome has print to pdf by default.
open the pdf in chrome
click on print icon
Destination = "Save as PDF"
Pages: e.g. 1-5, 8, 11-13
===== batch script ====
==== batch file calling another batch file ====
call foo.bat
call bar.bat
Ref:- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1103994/how-to-run-multiple-bat-files-within-a-bat-file
===== windows 10 =====
==== disable news icon ====
right click on the Taskbar -> News and interests -> Turn off
tested on
$ winver
Windows 10
Version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.4651)
==== configuration settings I am trying out ====
today | 2024-11-18
Windows + i -> Accounts -> Sign-in Options -> Restart apps -> Automatically save my restartable apps when I sign out and restart them after I sign in -> on