==== dummy ==== * china taiwan - https://geology.com/world/china-satellite-image.shtml * https://www.middleeastbriefing.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/West-Asia-Map-768x849.jpg * a map of Syria, Israel, Russia ==== Census regions of the United States ==== * https://www.burningcompass.com/countries/united-states/regions/us-regions-map.html - shows a map with a breakdown of regions, divisions. * The names of the state are written in full. ^ Region ^ number of states ^ | Northeast | 9 | | Midwest | 12 | | South | 17 | | West | 13 | ^ Region ^ Division ^ number of states ^ | Northeast | New England | 6 | | Northeast | Mid-Atlantic | 3 | | Midwest | East North Central | 5 | | Midwest | West North Central | 7 | | South | South Atlantic | 9 | | South | East South Central | 4 | | South | West South Central | 4 | | West | Mountain | 8 | | West | Pacific | 5 | * https://www2.census.gov/geo/pdfs/maps-data/maps/reference/us_regdiv.pdf - Census region map * Shows which US states belong to which region * There are 4 regions in the maps - West, Midwest, South, Northeast ==== Gulf ==== * Gulf of Khambhat * https://cdn.britannica.com/67/243467-050-6C687461/Locator-map-Gulf-of-Khambhat.jpg * You can also go there via * https://www.britannica.com/place/Gulf-of-Khambhat -> click on the picture * Persian Gulf * https://iilss.net/about-gulf-of-oman-facts-and-maps/ * shows Persian Gulf and India in the same map