Table of Contents


Taking a screenshot

Here are some ways

Take a snapshot of area selected by mouse after waiting for 2 seconds. If the output file already exists, it will be overwritten.

% sleep 2; import myimage.jpg

Take a snapshot of the entire monitor after waiting for 2 seconds. If the output file already exists, it will be overwritten.

% sleep 2; import -w root myimage.jpg

Press Print Screen button on the keyboard. For KDE users, this will bring up the ksnapshot program which is very good.

For gnome users lists many options.


when was a package installed

To find out when I installed the dokuwiki package, I did

$ zgrep installed /var/log/dpkg.log* | grep dokuwiki | grep -v "half-installed"
/var/log/dpkg.log.2.gz:2022-12-06 17:15:37 status installed dokuwiki:all 0.0.20220731.a-1

without the grep -v “half-installed” at the end, I was getting

raju@minion:~$ zgrep installed /var/log/dpkg.log* | grep dokuwiki 
/var/log/dpkg.log.2.gz:2022-12-06 17:15:33 status half-installed dokuwiki:all 0.0.20180422.a-2.1
/var/log/dpkg.log.2.gz:2022-12-06 17:15:37 status installed dokuwiki:all 0.0.20220731.a-1

Got this idea from

find the dpi of images in a pdf

$ pdfimages -list deptest.pdf


combine multiple jpegs into one pdf

snippet 1:

convert *.jpg file.pdf

snippet 2:

 % cat
#! /usr/bin/env bash

script_dir=`dirname "$0"`
cd $script_dir/bin
convert `ls -v individual_pics/*.jpeg` all_pics_combined.pdf


apt-cache search with tags

Use axi-cache instead of apt-cache

axi-cache search term tag

For example

 % axi-cache search scanner suite::kde
2 results found.
Results 1-2:
100% skanlite - image scanner based on the KSane backend
68% skanlite:i386 - image scanner based on the KSane backend
More terms: ksane skanlite backend image based attached scanning
More tags: hardware::scanner works-with-format::png works-with-format::jpg use::scanning works-with::image:raster works-with::image scope::application

If we are using apt-cache, it would not be possible to “discover” skanlite unless we know the right set of keywords. For example, searching for 'scanner' and 'kde' would not have told us about skanlite package.

 % apt-cache search scanner kde
clamtk - graphical front-end for ClamAV
libkf5sane-data - scanner library (data files)
libkf5sane-dev - scanner library development headers
libkf5sane5 - scanner library (runtime)


bullseye release

status of debian testing

Useful links:

distribution name


lsb_release -cs

Sample run

 % lsb_release -cs

Ref:- I came across it in

debconf23 video archive

packages I came across


Ref:- → “Introducing microvenv” section → first paragraph