The ibkr cp gateway is available from → Download the Standard Release .
After installing it, I tried to run it from git bash. It failed with the following error
raju@DESKTOP-CRLPVE5 MINGW64 ~/software/unzipped/ibkr_cp_gateway $ ./bin/ ./root/conf.yaml running runtime path : ./root:dist/* config file : ./root/conf.yaml Error: Could not find or load main class
tags | setup java in git bash, interactive brokers, git bash classpath
The bin/ script is doing something like
java -cp "${RUNTIME_PATH}"
But it is using ':' as the path separator while initializing it. On windows, it should use “;” instead. So changing
export RUNTIME_PATH="$config_path:dist/*"
export RUNTIME_PATH="$config_path;dist/;build/lib/runtime/*"
will fix it. I made the fix a bit generic and added it in