svn log between two dates
svn log -r {2017-09-01}:{2017-10-31} | less
svn log between two dates by a particular author
svn log -r {2017-09-01}:{2017-10-31} --search author_foo | less
svn log by a particular user in the last N commits
svn log --search author_foo -l N | less
By default, svn diff shows three lines of context. To change it to 10
svn diff FILENAME --diff-cmd=diff -x -U10
svn help diff
for explanation of the arguments and generic use cases.
Related Links:
tags | svn diff more context
List files that changed locally
Most generic way
=> svn st | perl -ne '{ next if /^\?/; if (/(\S+)$/) {print "$1\n";} }' | xargs -r ls -al --time-style="+%Y%m%d_%H%M"
The -r argument to xargs tells not to run the command if there are no arguments. Useful in the corner case where no files tracked by svn are modified.
Other possible ways
=> svn st | grep -v '^?' | cut -c 9- | xargs -r ls -al --time-style="+%Y%m%d_%H%M"
This does not work if GREP_OPTIONS is set to display line numbers in the output of grep. In that case the filename may not start from 9th character.
See the perl version above which does not have this issue.
=> svn st | grep -v '^?' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r ls -al --time-style="+%Y%m%d_%H%M"
This does not work if the svn st output contains lines of the form
A + file.c
See the perl version above which does not have this problem.