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diary:2024-10:2024-10-25 [2024/10/26 01:52] – created rajudiary:2024-10:2024-10-25 [2024/10/26 02:20] (current) raju
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 > Where bargaining power is persistently unequal, the concept of inequality of bargaining power serves as a justification for the implication of mandatory terms into contracts by law, or the non-enforcement of a contract by the courts. > Where bargaining power is persistently unequal, the concept of inequality of bargaining power serves as a justification for the implication of mandatory terms into contracts by law, or the non-enforcement of a contract by the courts.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +  * - Proxy firm
 +    * There are two main players - ISS and Glass Lewis. Together, they have 97% market share.
diary/2024-10/2024-10-25.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/26 02:20 by raju