Table of Contents
configure pycharm to format code with black
To run black on the entire file
File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools -> click on + sign -> Name: Black Description: Black in pycharm configuration Program: C:\ProgramData\Continuum\Anaconda\envs\[ENV_NAME]\Scripts\black.exe Arguments: $FilePath$ Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
To run black on selected text
File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools -> click on + sign -> Name: Black Selected Description: run black on selected text Program: "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" Arguments: --login H:\work\myrepos\rutils\python3\ C:\ProgramData\Continuum\Anaconda\envs\ro_udw_env\Scripts\black.exe $FilePath$ $SelectionStartLine$ $SelectionEndLine$ Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
Restart pycharm after adding the external tools.
To format code
Select code of interest -> Tools -> External Tools -> Black Selected
See also :-
- ( - simpler implementation; works with GNU sed. Tested it on Windows 10 + git bash + GNU sed 4.7.
- - well explained; His script is a bit complex and the sed commands are mac specific.
do not convert single quotes to double quotes
pass --skip-string-normalization
on the command line.
- - this option is meant as an adoption helper, avoid using it for new projects.
useful links
- - Black Playground; To try black online
- code repo -
black_notes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/18 22:45 by raju