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blocked by barrons
Issue is giving the following error.
You have been blocked. Why? Something about the behaviour of the browser has caught our attention. There are various possible explanations for this: * You are browsing and clicking at a speed much faster than expected of a human being. * Something is preventing JavaScript from working on your computer. * There is a robot on the same network (IP WW.XX.YY.ZZ) as you. Having problems accessing the site? Submit feedback. ID: a-b-c-d-e
Chrome → Click on the extensions button in the top right → Bypass Paywalls Clean → settings button → Options → scroll down to “BPC settings” section → check “Barron's - no Googlebot (http error 500)” option → Save
System Information
- bypass paywalls clean extension version: (latest asof 2024-01-22)
- google chrome: 120.0.6099.200
- OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
blocked_by_barrons.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/23 22:56 by raju