From: https://everything2.com/title/Hypernym
- Hypernym is a word that is more generic than a given word, representing a class, a superordinate word.
- Smell is a hypernym for scent, stink, fragrance, etc.
From: https://simple.wiktionary.org/wiki/hypernym
- “Insect” is a hypernym for “ant”, because an ant is a type of insect.
- Some hypernyms of the word “cat” are “mammal”, “pet”, “carnivore”, and “quadruped”.
From: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyponymy_and_hypernymy
- A hypernym is sometimes also called an umbrella term or a blanket term.
- Red:Color :: Hyponym:Hypernym
- In CS, the hyponymic relationship, the relationship between hyponyms and hypernym is often called an “is-a” relationship.
- For example, the phrase 'Red is-a colour' describes the hyponymic relationship between red and colour.
See also:
diary/2024-02/2024-02-21.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/14 15:07 by raju