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follow someone via the app

On the sidebar go to Community → Players → click the search button → enter the userid → Follow → drag to right

game types

  • It has bullet (1-3 mins), blitz (5 mins), rapid (10 mins), classical (15 mins). You can also create a game with your own timings if you want.
  • My favorite is 10+0 Rapid style.

analyze pgn

  • copy paste the contents of pgn into
  • I did not find a way to directly upload a pgn file to their server.

for kids

questions to explore

  • The “analysis board” in the desktop version of shows “Recommended puzzle training” and gives an opening name. How to access this feature in the android mobile app?
lichess_notes.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/16 03:36 by raju